
管理员 2023-08-07 04:26:50 0






1. **生态

· political environment

· political atmosphere


译文:Fostering a healthy political environment is a long-term task that must be made a basic and regular activity in reinforcing our Party’s political foundations. Like tending the natural environment by clearing up the sources of waterways and cultivating forests, we need to make long, tenacious efforts to foster political integrity and build a strong foundation. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)

例句2:要弘扬**核心价值观,弘扬和践行忠诚老实、公道正派、实事求是、清正廉洁等价值观,以良好**文化涵养风清气正的**生态。(摘自**在主持**十九届**第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)译文:We also should promote the core socialist values, and advocate and practice values such as loyalty, honesty, impartiality, pragmati**, and integrity. By virtue of a healthy political culture, we will maintain a wholesome political atmosphere. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)

2. **方向

· political direction

· political orientation

释义:我们所要坚守的**方向,就是**远大**和中国特色**共同**、“两个一百年”奋斗目标,就是**的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略。(摘自**在主持**十九届**第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)译文:The political direction we must follow is the noble ideal of communi**, our ideal of sociali** with Chinese characteristics, the Two Centenary Goals, and the Party’s underlying theories, basic guidelines, and fundamental principles. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)

3. **纪律和**规矩

political discipline and rules

例句:要严格遵守**纪律和**规矩,全面执行**内**生活准则,确保**政令畅通,确保局部服从全局,确保各项工作坚持正确**方向。(摘自**在**十九届一中全会上的讲话,2017年10月25日)译文:We must abide by political discipline and rules, fully observe the regulations on intra-Party political activities, ensure the implementation of the Central Committee’s policies and decisions, make sure local interests submit to overall interests, and guarantee the right political orientation in all our work. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)

4. **敏锐性和**鉴别力

political acuity and discernment

例句:要教育引导各级领导干部增强**敏锐性和**鉴别力,对容易诱发**问题特别是重大突发事件的**因素、苗头性倾向性问题,做到眼睛亮、见事早、行动快,及时消除各种**隐患。(摘自**在主持**十九届**第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)译文:We need to train and guide officials to enhance their political acuity and discernment, have a keen eye for sensitive matters and tendencies that may trigger off political issues – especially serious emergencies – whenever they emerge, and take preemptive and swift action to remove all potential political dangers. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)

5. 当**上的明白人

· to take a clear-cut political stance

· to take a clear political stance


译文:The Central Committee requires that officials at all levels, high-ranking ones in particular, take a clear-cut political stance and stay loyal to the Party. This means they must conscientiously consider and plan their work in accordance with the Central Committee’s overall plans, respond promptly to its calls, fully implement its decisions, and put a stop to anything it prohibits. The implementation of the Central Committee’s decisions and plans should be unconditional. There should be no unauthorized alterations or any attempt to “negotiate the terms”. (from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018)


1. 要增强斗争精神,敢于亮剑、敢于斗争,坚决防止和克服嗅不出敌情、分不清是非、辨不明方向的**麻痹症。

We need to build up our fighting spirit, take an unequivocal stance, and resolutely prevent and overcome political lethargy, which will render us unable to detect hostile moves, distinguish right from wrong, or see the correct direction.


Be alert to danger in times of peace, and be wary of unrest in times of stability.

语境:“于安思危,于治忧乱。”我们**在内忧外患中诞生,在磨难挫折中成长,在战胜风险挑战中**,始终有着强烈的忧患意识、风险意识。译文:“Be alert to danger in times of peace, and be wary of unrest in times of stability.” Our Party was born amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, grew up through hardships and setbacks, and has become stronger in the course of overcoming risks and challenges. It therefore has an acute sense of dangers and risks.



